يستخدم عادة كوعاء تقديم للوجبات الخفيفة والقضم، هذا الوعاء هو الوعاء المثالي لتقديمه في الحفلات. بفضل سطح المينا المتين شديد اللمعان، فإن هذا الوعاء سهل التنظيف. يمكن استخدام النمط ذو الحلقات الثلاث لتكديس المزيد من الأطباق دون تقطيع.
- 3 Ring Design
- Stackable
- Exceptional durability: does not chip, is scratch and stain free
- Centerpiece
نظرة عامة
Le Creuset is a pioneer in color development and the leader in highly-durable, chip-resistant enameled cast iron, Although others now offer their own interpretations of their signature craft, their visionary enamel expertise spans nearly a century and gives their brand the edge in quality and innovation, From the pure, rich tones of their colors to the fine quality of their distinct gradient and finishes, Le Creusets leadership in color is unmistakable.
- Very high quality earthenware: can be used at temperatures from -23 degree to +260 degree and can even go straight from the freezer to the oven.
رمز EAN
رمز UPC