ارجع بالزمن إلى الوراء مع محمصة الخبز التي تأتي بتصميم خمسيني وفتحة طويلة مكونة من شريحتين. لا يضيف جهاز المطبخ هذا المستوحى من الطراز القديم لمسة من الذوق القديم فحسب، بل يوفر أيضًا فتحات طويلة لتحميص الخبز المفضل لديك بالطريقة التي تحبها.
- Two Slice
- Two Slots
- Defrost, reheat and bagel settings
نظرة عامة
Smeg is an Italian home appliance manufacturer based in Guastalla, near Reggio Emilia in northern Italy. For over 60 years now,, Smeg appliances have been widely regarded as tasteful and elegant products which combine effortlessly to compliment your mood and style - thanks to Smegs partnerships with world famous architects., Not only does Smeg have a unique profile in terms of domestic appliances, it is also renowned in professional business sectors., The Foodservice and Instruments divisions specialise in the area of large-scale restaurant-catering appliances and electro-medical instruments respectively.
رمز EAN
رمز UPC