أتقن مهام الطبخ اليومية باستخدام هذه الملعقة ذات الشكل الهندسي. بفضل شكله الضيق، يمكن تثبيته بأمان في يدك عند التحريك أو الكشط. مصنوعة من السيليكون عالي الجودة ومناسبة للاستخدام في القدور والمقالي غير اللاصقة.
نظرة عامة
Le Creuset is a pioneer in color development and the leader in highly-durable, chip-resistant enameled cast iron, Although others now offer their own interpretations of their signature craft, their visionary enamel expertise spans nearly a century and gives their brand the edge in quality and innovation, From the pure, rich tones of their colors to the fine quality of their distinct gradient and finishes, Le Creusets leadership in color is unmistakable.
- Shape up your everyday cooking with this expertly designed spatula. The small head gives you extra control when you’re stirring or scraping.
- Mix dough, eggs or batter, or use it to get every last delicious mouthful out of glasses and small jars. Crafted from premium silicone, it pairs perfectly with your non-stick pots and pans.
رمز EAN
رمز UPC